3-room apartment on the street. Tsitsishvili, Panaskerteli studio type (residential complex "Arki Varketeli")

- Good finish
- Minimalistic design
- All furniture and household appliances are present
- Clean and well-kept yard
- Studio type apartment and large balcony
- There are necessary establishments for everyday life (shops, pharmacies, etc.)
- Many schools and kindergartens in the area
- 20 minutes to Varketeli metro station
- The construction uses an environmentally friendly, energy-efficient building block of the German brand YTONG, which maintains temperature and saves energy by 40%, which reduces utility bills, and the highest quality Weinerberg brick is used for the facade.

All this in an apartment of 52.20 m²

Before buying, you can inspect it and the area to make a decision.

District | Район: Varketili | Варкетили

See also