Marshall Gudauri

About the house:
Construction technology - monolithic frame
Number of floors - 5
Number of houses - 2
Number of apartments - 155
Elevator - 3 passenger
Parking - underground
Security - 24/7 video surveillance, security

About apartments:
The area of apartments is 18.2–79.1 m2
Ceiling height - 2.85 m
Finishing - complete renovation

  • commercial areas
  • closed area
  • swimming pool/sauna
  • gym
  • restaurant, bar
  • cafe
  • billiard club
  • market
  • pharmacy

Block 1 - commissioned in 2Q 2020
Block 2 - delivery in 4Q 2023

Developer - Marshall Development

District | Район: Gudauri | Гудаури

Year of readiness | Сдача в: 2023 soon | 2023 скоро

Apartment renovation | Отделка: Complete renovation| Полный ремонт

Ceiling height | Высота потолка: 2,85 - 2,9

Mortgage | Ипотека: Yes | Да

Installment plan | Рассрочка: Yes | Да

1st payment | 1-й платёж: 30%

Reliable developer | Надёжный застройщик: Yes | Да

Objects nearby | Объекты рядом: Swimming pool | Бассейн

Objects nearby | Объекты рядом: Gym | Фитнес клуб

Objects nearby | Объекты рядом: Coworking | Коворкинг

Objects nearby | Объекты рядом: Market | Рынок

See also