Saguramo houses

Houses for sale in Saguramo for $97,000 with their own plot.

The house has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious living room, kitchen and terrace. The houses are already supplied with gas, water and electricity. The area of ​​the house is 175 m2, and the plot is 405 m2, or 4 acres.

House in Saguramo, 50 minutes by car to the center of Tbilisi. The houses are suitable for those who want to live close to the city, but at the same time enjoy solitude with nature.

Year of readiness: 2023 and earlier

Objects nearby: English language-school

Сonstruction progress | Фото стройки: In the dynamics | В динамике

Quantity of rooms | Количество спален: 3 bedroom + 1 | 3 спальни + 1

See also