3-room apartment on the street. Guramishvili 78

- Good finish
- Location near the "European University"
- 10 minutes to the Guramishvili station
- Tbilisi sea 30 minutes from home
- Under the house and near it there are all the necessary establishments for a comfortable life (shops, pharmacies, etc.)
- There are many hospitals and educational institutions in the area

All this in an apartment of 55 m²

A tour of the apartment is included so you can appreciate the surroundings and the area itself.

District | Район: Nadzaladevi | Надзаладеви

Objects nearby | Объекты рядом: Lake/sea | Озеро/море

Objects nearby | Объекты рядом: Subway | Метро

Objects nearby | Объекты рядом: Школа | School

Objects nearby | Объекты рядом: Больница | Hospital

Количество комнат | Количество спален: 2

See also