Black Sea Residence

Number of buildings 1 Number of floors 12 Cadastral number Communications electricity, water, sewerage, natural gas Distance to the seaside 200 m Elevator elevator Fuji Infrastructure recreational area, children's playground, swimming pool, cafe-coworking, fitness gym Parking ground level parking Security & Safety security, CCTV, reception About the units Apartment renovation black frame, white frame, fully renovated Apartments area 36,6–148,08 m2 Ceiling height 3 m Gasification yes Number of apartments 66

Year of readiness | Сдача в: 2023 soon | 2023 скоро

District | Район: Batumi: Gonio | Батуми: Гонио

Objects nearby | Объекты рядом: Gym | Фитнес клуб

Objects nearby | Объекты рядом: Coworking | Коворкинг

Objects nearby | Объекты рядом: Parking | Парковка

Mortgage | Ипотека: Yes | Да

1st payment | 1-й платёж: 15%

Reliable developer | Надёжный застройщик: Yes | Да

Ceiling height | Высота потолка: 2,95 - 3,05

Apartment renovation | Отделка: Complete renovation| Полный ремонт

See also